Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Okay, I know I normally upload pictures along with my posts, but I had to write this down somewhere before I forgot the story...

Joe left on Sunday for Utah to go race Ford Mustangs. It was another one of his "work" trips. Jaden seemed a little confused as to why Daddy was not sitting down for dinner. He asked where Daddy was, so I told him "in Utah". Jaden gave me the funniest look and said, "my tah"? I thought it was just too funny!

Jaden has been doing very well with his Speech Therapist. Joe asked me the other day, "Does the ST know that we were wanting Jaden to speak more clearly, not more abundantly?" That cracked me up too! The more confidence he gets in what he is saying, the more he speaks...It has been an interesting turn of events, but we are SO glad that we can actually understand more of what he is saying and he will actually hold a small conversation with us vs. just answering yes/no questions.

Hope you are all doing well as we get closer to summer!

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