Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spring is Here!!!

Okay, well spring got here a little while ago, but I have not had a chance to edit this post...It is so nice to see all of the flowers blooming and the grass turning green! God really gives us a treat as we move out of winter!

This is the Crab Apple Tree in our back yard. It almost looks like a big snowball! (But we don't want to talk about that "S" word do we?!)

Oh the colors of spring!

I love this Red Bud in our backyard. I can see it from the kitchen when I look out the window.

It seems so delicate.

Apparently Joe has trained all of the kids that they need to have a tube of Chap Stick in their pockets at all times...

Jaden, Makayla, and I made rice crispy treats as a "project" this morning.

This picture makes it look like they were so careful with the sprinkles.

These two picture shows what really happened. What ever sprinkles were left after eating were placed on the rice crispy treats...

This is another project we frequently do in the mornings to keep the kids busy.

I'm still working on getting Makayla to stop drinking the water...

Jonathan's 1st grade class took a field trip to Amish Achers this spring. We learned a lot about the Amish lifestyle. (I learned how I would not make it long in their culture...)

Jonathan and his classmate Josiah had a great time playing with the chalkboards.

Jonathan loves to pose for pictures!
Happy Spring!

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