Friday, July 23, 2010

New Growth

So for any of you out there who know me well, you know that I cannot grow a plant to save my life. Apparently being home with the kids has changed that a little. I decided to try to grow 2 different vegetables this summer in our backyard; sugar peas and tomatoes. I picked up some seeds, pots, soil, said a few prayers and planted away. Well, no surprise to me my peas did not make it...However, my tomatoes are doing great! I can't believe that I have grown these from seeds. The kids think it is really cool to have tomatoes growing in the backyard. Although Jonathan keeps telling me that he is not going to eat them. Jaden on the other hand is very excited for the tomatoes to grow!

We even have a little tomato growing. When I showed it Jaden and told him we have a "little baby tomato" he asked, "Where is the mommy and daddy tomato?" I think it is good for the kids to see where their vegetables are coming from. Next year we plan on growing a bunch of different vegetables along the side of our house.

Here is our baby tomato!

The boys needed hair cuts and Jaden decided that he wanted his hair cut like his brother. I think he looks so much older with his new do!

Here is Jaden showing off his new hair!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summers as much as we are!

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