Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Fun!

This summer has been very exciting for all of us. We have spent a lot of time with friends, out in the sun, and taking short trips (mostly into Michigan).

We picked up a motorized Corvette for the kids in a garage sale this year. It has turned out to be one of the best purchases we have made for them. All three kids really love spending time in it. They love to "drive" next door to race with Sienna and Dylan.

Jonathan's Cub Scout troop went on a fishing trip. This picture shows you one of the 10 fish he caught this day. It was a wonderful first fishing trip.

Makayla has been enjoying all of her time outside this summer!

Makayla and I were hanging out on the towels while the boys were in Lake Michigan during one of our day trips.

Some of the Indianapolis Colts football team players came to South Bend for the St. Joseph County 4H fair. We waited in line with Poppy and Mamaw to get some autographs.

Here are the two players who signed the boys caps and Makayla's coat.

The boys also road on some of the rides.

I think Jonathan was hoping he could take off in this one.

Jaden thought this train was pretty cool!

The boys also took swimming lessons for the first time this summer. On the last day of lessons, Jaden's class got to jump from the diving board for the first time. He did a great job jumping. So good, I was not able to catch him in the air, he was too fast.

Jonathan was cracking everyone up with his theatrics. This time he jumped, he yelled "I believe I can fly!"

During one of our play dates Makayla really enjoyed playing with Emmarose. She was giving her a kiss in this picture.

During the same play date, the boys were all going through the sprinklers.

Look at how much Makayla likes the sprinklers!

Look at how much all of the kids love the sprinklers!

This picture sums up our feelings on this summer so far! Hope you all are enjoying your summer as much as we are!

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